Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you had a lovely summer. We are very excited to welcome everyone back to Lisnagry N.S. A huge thank you to all our staff and Board of Management members for their support and effort in getting everything ready for our school reopening. Our focus for the week ahead is to help the children to settle back into their daily school routines in a gentle and safe way.

Our plans for reopening are very much as we were operating during the last term. There will be a few changes to reflect the Government updates.

Click here to see our Back to school Newsletter

For Children: this means groups, bubbles, handwashing, hand sanitisers, staff wearing masks, social distancing and going home, if they have symptoms of COVID-19.

For Parents – this means communicating with the school by telephone or email, not congregating outside the school, not entering the school yard & building, staggered start and finish times, keeping symptomatic children at home and collecting children who develop symptoms of COVID-19 .

For Staff – this means staggered staffroom breaks, handwashing and sanitising routines, wearing masks, social distancing, vigilance in relation to children exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 and maintaining groups and bubbles.

For Visitors – limited to only essential visitors, pre-planned, Covid-19 Questionnaire completed, commitment to follow our Response Plan, contact tracing document completed.

Our plan to reopen the school will be monitored and reviewed on a daily basis and we will keep you informed of any changes via Aladdin and our website.

Additional Documents & Links

Back to School Advice from the Government
Back to School Videos and information from the Department of Education

Take care everyone.

Le gach dea-ghuí,

Michael Feeney