Sixth-Class-2013-14Class Teacher:

Mr. Raftery


Class News:


In 6th class so far this year we have done lots of fun things but we have also worked extremely hard. [divider]

Fr. Tom

We have begun preparing for our confirmation and are delighted to see Father Tom every time he comes to talk to us.





We were very lucky to have two members of the City of Limerick Pipe Band come in to talk to us about their exploits in various competitions and places they have been. They played many reels, marches and strathspeys for us and we enjoyed it tremendously.

The reels they played were: Fleshmarket Close and Kelseys Wee Reel

The marches they played were: Kings Own Scottish Borders and Men of Arygll.

The stratspeys they played were: Molly on the Shore and High Road to Linton.

Pipe bandPipe band (2)


In 6th class we also learnt the process and steps involved in making butter. All the children had a great time shaking the glass jar and witnessing the cream slowly turning to butter and buttermilk!

Butter (2)Butter (3)Butter (5)Butter (4)


We have enjoyed art during the year so far by doing lots of different things. We have drawn self portraits with our left hand, right hand and blindfolded, we have designed posters for our active schools flag and we have designed our very own inventions of the future!


We have also begun the process of carrying out a referendum in the class about whether we should abolish the Seanad or not. We have had some great debates on the topic and the children are really enjoying it. We will be holding the referendum in the next few weeks so watch out for the results soon!

Referendum on Abolishing the Seanad.

 During the month of October the children worked very hard learning about the Oireachtas and about whether the country needs the Seanad or not. It led to some very heated debates in the class and was a topic they all enjoyed discussing. There were some great arguments for both sides. We then decided to hold a referendum with 5th class and ourselves to see if the Seanad would be abolished if it was up to Lisnagry N.S.! Everyone in 6th class then picked what group they wished to join and everyone had a job to do. The groups were as follows:

  • People speaking to abolish/keep the Seanad.

  • Register of electors.

  • Poster Design.

  • Design the voting slip.

  • Guard.

  • People to hand out the voting slips and record who voted.

  • People to count the votes.

  • People to organise the polling station.

  • Person to announce the winner.

  • Media interviews.

In the end it was a very close contest, just like the real one! However, unlike the real one the pupils of 5th and 6th class decided to abolish the Seanad by a margin of 6%. (Official result – Abolish the Seanad = 53%, Keep the Seanad = 47%). So if it was up to Lisnagry N.S. the Seanad would now be gone!


October Fancy Dress.

6th class had great fun on the last day before the mid-term break as we really got into the Halloween spirit by dressing up in lots of scary (and not so scary!) costumes!
