Fourth-class-B-2013-14Class Teacher:

Ms. Copse


Class News:


We have been very busy in fourth class.

Táim tinn!

We integrated dramaíocht into our Gaeilge lesson. Over the last few days, we have been learning in Irish about being sick through the story ‘Tinn sa Leaba’. This allowed us to use the language we had acquired through the experience of going to the doctor. This is very relevant to the childrens’ lives and so they were able to really engage with it. The children took turns of being the ‘dochtúir’ and the patient. They dressed up and used the various medical tools to get in role. The children had great fun while also learning.

Here is a sample of the children in action:

gaeilge dramai 1gaeilge dramai 3



gaeilge dramai 3-orggaeilge dramai 2


Famous Explorer

We had being studying about Marco Polo in our History lesson. We learned about his life and the various places he visited. This led to our first project of this term. The children were introduced to various other explorers namely: Roald Amundsen, Vasco da Gama, Bartolomeu Dias, Alexander the Great, Amerigo Vespucci, James Cook, Neil Armstrong and Ferdinand Magellan. The children were divided into groups and each was given a topic on the famous explorer to cover. The children researched, gathered, displayed and presented their projects to the class.


Argos it!

In our maths we have been learning about adding and subtracting money. As an alternative to using the maths book, the children worked in pairs and were giving the task of picking two/ three items from the various sections in the catalogue. The children were very excited about this. They took turns picking the various items and then added them separately themselves, comparing their answers when they were finished. The children were actively involved in their own learning. It also made the topic more relevant to their lives.


Our Lungs

We learned about our lungs and their functions. To further develop their understanding of how our lungs work we completed an experiment. We began with predicting what might happen. The children then worked in groups to check their predictions using the materials provided.


The Scream by 4th Class!!

 For our art lesson, we started with a looking and responding session at the famous work by Edvard Munch, ‘The Scream’. It led to lots of interpretations and discussion on the reason for the persons screaming face. The children were then asked to complete an observational drawing. Some found it a little challenging to begin with but settled down and were delighted with their result.
