Fourth-class-A-2013-14Class Teacher:

Ms. Bourke


Class News:


Fourth class have had a very busy start to the school year.

In English, we have been practicing visualisation. We read about The Magical Garden of Claude Monet. We visualized Monet’s Garden and then painted it.

 In our first week we drew our self portraits. We used photographs of ourselves to help us get started.

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We have been having great fun learning the tin whistle. We have been learning the notes and we learned how to play Hot Cross Buns. We are very excited about all of the songs we are going to learn this year!

4th -tin whistle

Congratulations to Aidan Smith who was September’s pupil of the month and to Kieran Roche who won the Handwriting Award. Next month, I hope there will be some students in Rang IV who will get their pen license.

History Projects

This month we completed History projects on Irish myths and legends. We researched the story, prepared presentations in small groups and presented our work to the class. Some of our favourite stories were Setanta, The Children of Lir and Oisin and Tir na nOg. Our presentations are now on display on the SESE board in the school.



Matchstick Maths

We have been having fun with Mathchstick Maths this month- making different shapes and looking at parallelograms, different types of triangles, hexagons and pentagons.


Halloween Fun

We had lots of fun in Rang IV getting ready for Halloween. Check out our spooky Halloween Silhouettes!


Congratulations to Aoife O’ Byrne Cassidy who won the Pupil of the Month for October and to Evan O’ Leary who won the Copybook of the Month.

Science Week 2013

Science Week 2013 happened during November and here in 4th class, we had great fun building, designing and experimenting. We learned all about floating and sinking and in pairs, we designed boats that were to hold eggs. We discovered which materials float best in water, the importance of balance and weight distribution and how important it is to plan carefully before making our boats. We also learned all about water displacement. We had great fun making the boats and some of them could even hold more than 40 eggs! Take a look at our photos…

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Paper Helicopters

In Science, we looked at the importance of energy and forces in helping helicopters to fly. We each made our own helicopter, experimenting with size and different types of materials. Well done to Audrey, whose helicopter stayed in the air for the longest time!

County Projects

We all got the opportunity to complete projects on a county of our choice. We had to design a tourism brochure about this country, attracting visitors to come and visit it. We learned a lot about counties such as Clare, Dubin, Kidare, Galway, Meath, Donegal and Waterford, to name but a few.

Registration Plates

In Art, we made our own personalized number plates for a county of our choice. We used flashcards, tin foil and lots of other things to decorate our plates. Check out some of our designs!


Winter Landscape Paintings

We had great fun painting our winter landscapes. We learned about the importance of using different brushes and using different brush strokes when painting.