5th-class-2012-13Class Teacher:

Mr. Scanlon


Class News:Year Summary

[divider] This year Fifth Class experienced many new challenges while also having lots of fun. They learnt about a range of new topics and also put on some memorable performances in music, dancing and drama in front of the whole school..[divider]

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Science Experiments


We did lots of interesting science experiments this year. Our favourite lesson was when we created a model of the Respiratory system. Using two balloons, a bottle, straws, an elastic band and cotton buds, we built a model of how we breathe.  It was very enjoyable.

By Ivan and Robert



Art Class

Every week we had great fun doing Art. We used lots of different materials such as oil pastels, chalk, charcoal and felt fabric.  Our favourite was print-making, where we used dark paints, a sponge and stencils we made ourselves  re-create a scene from our play A Christmas Carol. We had so much fun in Art this year.

By Patryk and Marek[divider]


[custom_frame_left shadow=”on”]5th-girls-dressing-up[/custom_frame_left]

We really liked Drama this year. We enjoyed taking part in A Christmas Carol on stage. We created dramas based on our class novels- Under the Hawthorn Tree and Laura Delaney’s Deadliest Day, as well as comedy sketches that made the whole class laugh!

  By Lauren and Tiffany[divider_top]

Project Work


This year we completed many interesting projects in groups and by ourselves. We did projects on Nelson Mandela, World War 1 and Polar Animals and many more. Our favourite was when we researched our family names. We found out that Shyne originally meant a hunter and people with the Smith name would have been trades people such blacksmiths or goldsmiths.

By David and Cian





Creative Writing


We worked hard at our creative writing this year. We tried to improve our stories and make them more interesting. We entered our stories in the Listowel Writers Week competition and even made our own books in class.                                        

 By Aisling, Caoimhe McDonald and Elaine




Mobile Farm

5tclass-the-farm- A mobile farm came to the school.It was really cool.  There were pigs, rabbits, ponies, goats, chickens, roosters, birds and a calf. A pig named Peppa was very shy, she kept running away! Some children got to hold rabbits and to put birds on their heads! Once the calf started chasing us, it was really scary. The roosters were really funny. They kept cock-a-doodle-dooing! . It was a great day. I hope it comes again next year.
