4th-class-2012-13Class Teacher:

Ms. Delaney


Class News:Year Summary

[divider] We have been very busy this year in 4th class.Here are some of the interesting things we did .[divider]

[custom_frame_left shadow=”on”]4thclass-planting-potatoes[/custom_frame_left]

Green Fingers

We have green fingers here in 4th Class!! We planted different flowers along the front of the school! We planted wildflowers in the school garden. We also planted potatoes and some vegetables.


Chefs of the future

4th class-fantastic food

We had great fun writing recipes and doing our cooking shows for Drama! We got into pairs and decided what recipes we would like to write. We baked and cooked chocolate biscuit cake, wheetacakes, pizza, brownies, lasagne and garlic bread, rocky road cake, meringues and marshmallow cookies! We had great fun eating them!!





Our Projects

During our free time in class we decided to do projects. We chose and researched any topic we wanted. It was brilliant! The projects included some brief facts about the topics, some power points and we had a quiz at the end of each of our presentations! We did projects about Apple, Egypt, Champions League, Katie Taylor, France, Barcelona, Celtic FC, Hockey, Chelsea, World Cup, World*s Strongest Man and many more! [divider]

Drama Time

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We did dramas this year in 4th. We did dramas about The Famine, The Romans and Halloween potions. The Halloween drama was our favourite drama. We were all dressed up for the dramas.





Our Penpals

This year we did lots of stuff in 4th class, but what stood out the most was writing to our penpals. We would send our letters to 4th class in Kentstown NS in Co.Meath! We love writing to our penpals and we love receiving our letters even more!  In this picture we are learning all about Co.Meath. We learned about The River Boyne, The Battle of the Boyne, Newgrange, The Salmon of Knowledge and lots more! [divider]


We examined worms in science when we were looking at invertebrates. We brought in worms from our gardens. We got into several groups and examined our worms. They were squidgy. Worms are cool. We chased teacher with the worms!! Worms come in lots of shapes and sizes. [divider_top]