Congratulations to our fifth class pupils who exhibited at the Primary Science Fair in the R.D.S last Thursday 9th January.We were one of the 120 primary schools selected to participate over the three days.The Fair provides an incentive for primary school children and their teachers to undertake projects as a class during the school year. The emphasis of participation is to encourage child-led investigation and for students to learn how to work scientifically and develop practical inquiry based skills. 5th class completed a project entitled ‘How air affects the way we play sport’.

The Fair is not a competition, the intention is to encourage a positive learning experience for each class and for participants to experience STEM subjects as part of everyday life. Showcasing a class project at the Fair also develops students’ skills in communicating their interest and knowledge of science to others.

The pupils presented their project excellently and received fantastic feedback from the judges. The many positive comments included how scientific and yet simple the project was, how thoroughly the process was carried out and the clarity of the results and conclusion reached.They also commented how well the pupils understood and presented their topic.  The class  received a trophy and each pupil  a certificate.

As well as learning from our own project each pupil got the opportunity to explore the fair and investigate other projects on display.It was a fantastic learning experience and a really enjoyable day.Here are some photos from the day!

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